
Just a thought

Why don’t you just revisit the whole idea of what anthropocene has given us by talking about only what design has given us. It’s contextual and you can be specific – like when you said a mouse scroll came up you can say how interaction design grew as a discipline and how mouses came up and added to the world of trash. Alternatively, you could also interview people like Yual Noah Hrari on your podcast since they are the experts and look at some existing datasets where you can have quantitative information

Karnal : Waste Management

How Karnal is managing

How Karnal has 300 tonnes and Ahmedabad has 3500 tonnes. Case study on cultural life of Ahmedabad / Compared to a smaller city / Delhi / Bengaluru.

Is there a relation between how many people live outside on footpaths? Or the gross annual income of the city? Etc etc // gapminder tool

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