Discussion about Sustainability

[05/07, 4:13 pm] Manan Pahwa: https://www.philips.com/a-w/about/sustainability/sustainable-planet/circular-economy/recycle
[05/07, 4:14 pm] Mudita Pasari: Honestly there is much more to learn out there
[06/07, 6:16 pm] Manan Pahwa: There is a person in NID academics who talks about sustainability a lot, and has really good thoughts. I started having cool conversations with him last year only to realise he does enjoy all the benefits that an urban lifestyle brings but not ready to stop when other urbanised population enjoys the same.
[06/07, 6:17 pm] Manan Pahwa: .
[06/07, 6:17 pm] Manan Pahwa: .
[06/07, 6:19 pm] Manan Pahwa: Constructing my thought on these two points that we discussed yesterday, I feel we can’t really dismiss bulb manufacturing as an ‘unfair unsustainable’ practice. Can we really live without it?
[06/07, 6:20 pm] Manan Pahwa: If no, then how do we adjust/ position our opinions around sustainability? Do we dismiss these contributions? Do we account them as sustainable interventions?

Ofc at a pedagogical and evolutionary level, we could discuss how humanity has transformed. But by discussing this do we really make a difference?

How do we make a difference? And I think AltCo is a step into that direction. Picking up a slice of the bigger problem and solving it while informing ourselves with other interventions around the world.
[08/07, 5:20 pm] Ankur Gangwal: These interventions are quite groundbreaking and inspiring in their own right- if you want to be sustainable, you have to start somewhere- we all claim to start the first organisation that can change the world, but the reality is quite far from it- but the two things that i feel one must not fear acknowledging here are- a. It’s always alright to question these companies and hold them accountable, also when trying to learn from them, to feel conflicted about their “sustainable interventions” is a great place to start from. When you question, you emulate better!
b. when designing a company, sustainability shouldn’t be an afterthought- after building a multi billion dollar company, through mostly unjustified and unsustainable methods, a lot of them tend to now appropriate the sustainability revolution to score brownie points with the new kind of customers who demand more and ask to be treated better!
Would these companies be so big if they were sustainable and ethical from the beginning? But since they are so big, aren’t they better positioned to start these conversations and lead the movement from the front?
[08/07, 5:22 pm] Ankur Gangwal: Also, i think, we are way past the time to “start conversations”- we all need to do a lot more!

Published by mananpahwaa


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